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Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Hypnotherapist

Ready for a heart revolution?

I guide your soul to tap into your own innate gifts and purpose in this lifetime, healing past traumas and connecting with the deep wisdom in your heart.

Do you ever...


Feel anxious, isolated, unhealthy, or depressed?

Wonder why you feel exhausted and drained in your life?  

Put other's needs before yours and feel like no one listens to what you need and want?

Feel stuck and not sure how to move beyond negative patterns?

Ask yourself why am I here, what's my purpose in life?

Together We Can...


Banish the exhausting cycle of self-sabotage. 

Master powerful boundaries to thrive in your communication and relationships.

Take your power back to become the creator of your daily experiences and dream life.

Learn how to tap into your authentic truth where others can hear you with respect, clarity
and boundaries.

Gain self-care tools and rituals to move beyond illness, feeling healthy, sexy, and connected physically and emotionally.

Services Selection


How I Guide you...


After your initial virtual consultation, I customize each session with a unique blend of my offerings below. As we work together each session builds upon the work from your previous session. Life will begin to fall into place with purpose, clarity, and opportunity leading the way. 


Neurolinguistic Programming


Neurolinguistic Programming

NLP is a methodology to enhance communication between ourselves and others, shifting conscious and subconscious behaviors to enhance connection and create choice in life.



Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state in which you have heightened focus and concentration, capitalizing on the power of suggestion to help you relax, diminish pain, or facilitate a desired behavioral change.

Timeline Therapy

Timeline Therapy

TLT provides one of the most powerful processes for personal change and growth by facilitating the elimination of the painful emotions such as anger, fear, sadness and guilt attached to memories or events in the past.

Akashic Records

Akashic Records

The energy of the Akashic records holds the information of all the gifts and wisdom from every lifetime, guiding you to your true Soul's blueprint and mission in this timeline.


Starseed Experience

Starseed Experience

This experience opens a portal to deeper part of your soul’s roots, which in turn further opens your heart, intuition and wisdom in your journey here on earth. 

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Kara Bolwell


Through my own illness and trauma, I have been blessed to discover my Soul Purpose in this life. I found my inner voice and the strength that lies in my heart.  I also uncovered the truth that we ALL have this divine wisdom inside, waiting patiently for us to unleash its power, guiding us to fully step into our own sovereign light source, unconditional love, and authenticity. 


As a natural healer and intuitive, healing my own wounds around health, love, relationships, money, time and deep subconscious patterns helps light the path for my clients. Learning how to fill my cup first (which was a very foreign concept), I experienced that the unconditional love I gave myself overflowed out easily and effortlessly to all the people around me.       


My mission is to spread unity and unconditional love, guiding people to navigate their own pain with grace and ease, deepening connections with their inner power and wisdom. Through this divine balance of light and dark, masculine and feminine, we create a place of abundance, wholeness, and harmony.

Client Reflections

"Kara is a talented healer and coach.  Her warmth, compassion, and intuition shine through in her work with clients.  After a session with Kara I always feel more aligned emotionally, physically and spiritually. "

 Amy P.

Afternoon Light

Investing in a sustainable future

A percentage of Healing Beyond's proceeds go to supporting the charity Pachamama Alliance. This amazing non-profit supports a movement near and dear to my heart, protecting the indigenous people of the Amazon and the Amazon Rainforest. Supporting an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet. Envisioning a New Dream for Humanity. 

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